Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Website between now and the day

I am planning to cut down the number of entries on the blog. I've spent far more time here in the last 7 months than ever before. I hoped that by continually reviewing the entries I could generate enough publicity to ensure that everyone entered in time.

Since the close off my focus has been on finalising the entry statistics and trying to improve the database, particularly with regard to the analysis next year. If I can list the entries on a regular basis and link to their personal achievements then it should encourage people to let me know if the entrant is not the same as the one with the same name from 1968 (or whatever).

Having set up the stats to enable me to also update most of the databases pretty quickly after the event (the most improved is always tricky) I now want to focus on a simplified front page for the day itself (one of my hates is visiting a website on the day of an event and you are still being told where to enter or where to stay) and to get my cameras and equipment ready.

My brother Mike is again helping me up to Peel and he has been stocking up with spare batteries for his cameras. I'll send him to the start and onwards to Union Mills whilst I will take Marie to Braddan for her to play her now usual role of video camera woman leaving me both hands free for still photos for a change.

Hopefully we shall reposition ourselves around Newtown where I will be in the studio in the back of the van with Mike on the camera again. We'll probably have a brief stop on the Sloc before heading to Peel in good time - the photos there were very popular last year.

I am still hoping there will be a major new facility in Peel (and possibly another church) but that has still to be finalised.

Sean Hands did a great job at the finish last year on the help desk protecting me from people distracting me from website publication at the finish. I hope to further improve the quality, however, with another member of the team helping with photos and video at the finish.

This was supposed to be about the website prior to the event. I plan to do the final featured walker this week.

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